
Series for Success: 5 Mistakes that People Make in Their Direct Sales Business and How to Avoid Them
Starting a direct sales business can be a great way to earn extra income or even build a full-time career. Here are five mistakes that people make in their direct sales business and how to avoid them.
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Series for Success: 5 Mistakes that People Make in Their Direct Sales Business and How to Avoid Them
Starting a direct sales business can be a great way to earn extra income or even build a full-time career. Here are five mistakes that people make in their direct sales business and how to avoid them.
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Series for Success: Be a Productive Entrepreneur
Congratulations! You’ve started your own business. That makes you an entrepreneur! Now, you want to be a successful entrepreneur, but how? The answer is simple… productivity. But that’s easier said than done, right?
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Series for Success: Crafting Your Personal Brand
Most people are pretty savvy when it comes to slick marketing. We can take a look at something a company puts out and can tell if it’s “on brand.” Brands include everything from logos to color schemes to messaging and more.
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Series for Success: Time Management When You Don’t Have Time!
We did a little research to try and make the transition a little easier for you. Whether you have a busy job at the office, work from home, are a stay at home parent, someone managing a household or even a retired person, it’s not unusual to feel like you should be managing your time better. Here are some tips to help you out.
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Series for Success: Tips for Building a Successful Direct Sales Business
So, you’re thinking about getting into direct sales. If you’ve done research, you’ve probably heard it all; the good, the bad, and the worse. Direct sales, which is selling products directly to consumers outside of a retail setting, is a legitimate business model and becoming a successful consultant is very possible.
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What’s the Best Way to Make Money in a Recession?
According to many experts, a recession is coming. A recession happens when people no longer spend as much money, causing a decline in economic activity nationwide for two consecutive quarters. The government does what it can in order to slow spending so that demand decreases, but right now, it’s likely too little too late. A recession isn’t made official until it has already happened.
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